Find out which seafarer medicals other than the ENG1 are accepted by the MCA
Find an MCA accepted ENG1 equivalent medical doctor for seafarer medicals
ENG1 or ENG1 Equivalent medical certificates are a requirement to work on commercial vessels regulated by the MCA (with a few exceptions for small and private vessels operating less than 60 miles from shore). MCA-recognized medical certificates are also requirements for certain licenses and the endorsement of MCA Certificates of Competency. The MCA regularly releases updates/amendments to the notices regarding which countries seafarer certificates meet the necessary requirements for acceptance as an ENG1 equivalent
MCA Recognised Seafarer Medicals as an alternative to the ENG1.
Although the ENG1 medical certificate is seen as the most commonly requested seafarer medical certificate by employers, the MCA does recognize medical certificates issued from other maritime authorities (listed by the MCA) as equivalents to the ENG1.
Due to the fact that there are only a few ENG1 doctors outside of the UK, it may be easier to find an alternative seafarer medical certificate in or near your location while traveling abroad.
Although ENG1 medical certificates are valid for 2 years, it does not necessarily mean that an equivalent certificate will be. It is important to check the period of validity of certificates with the issuing authority. The MCA will not recognize any period of validity longer than 2 years.

Can a doctor in a different country be certified to do seafarer medical examinations under a different country's maritime authority?
Yes, it is quite normal for doctors in different countries to be certified by foreign maritime bodies. This is to serve the needs of people in the area who need to meet the requirements of the foreign maritime bodies under which they are / will be employed.
Countries Whose Seafarer Medicals Certificates are Recognised as ENG1 Equivalents
- Belgium
- Australia
- Bermuda
- Canada
- Bulgaria
- China
- Croatia
- Ghana
- Cyprus
- Hong Kong
- Czech Republic
- India
- Denmark
- Jamaica
- Estonia
- Mauritius
- Finland
- New Zealand
- France
- Pakistan
- Germany
- South Africa
- Greece
- Sri Lanka
- Hungary
- Ukraine
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta (Note 2)
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
Find an ENG1 Equivalent Seafarer Medical Doctor Near Me
Please note that although we do our best to keep our directory up to date, we encourage users to confirm details with the medical practitioner in question. Feel free to contact us should you need to be pointed in the right direction.