The IAMI GUEST Yacht Administrations Program is available to those who have some responsibility with the onboard yacht accounting & administrations that support other onboard roles, such as Captain, Chief Officer or Purser.
"The GUEST Yacht Administrations Program is specifically tailored to ensure students gain skills and knowledge required to support some of the Administration duties within the onboard operations.
The Yacht Administration workloads have significantly increased over the last few decades, & with most of the Heads of Department being responsible for some or all of elements of the onboard Administrations, from Accounting to Event Planning, the GUEST Administration Program covers it all."

GUEST Human Resources & Crew Wellbeing | Unit 30
- Purpose, aims & relevancy of Maritime Conventions, Health, Safety & Security Policies.
- Impact & practices of the Yacht Standing Orders / Ethical Code of Conduct.
- Purpose, role & responsibilities of Human Resources within the Superyacht Sector.
- Crew Contracts & Agreements (inc the SEAs & MLC policies)
- Crew qualifications compliance & relevant certification
- Crew Files, Crew Administrations & Processes
- Development of Crew job description specifications for recruitment
- Effective Interviewing Techniques & Selection Process
- Implementation & management of new Crew “Induction Process”
- Implementation & regulation of Employee Relationship Management
- Implementation of Crew Performance Management
- Implementation & management of Crew Training Development & Opportunities
- Management & commitment to Crew Wellbeing
- The impact of stress on mental, emotional & physical health.
GUEST Accounting, Bookkeeping & Budgeting | Unit 21
- Role & responsibilities for the onboard accounting, bookkeeping & budgeting
- Communication & reporting procedures to management & hierarchy onboard
- Management of accounting principles & systems
- Management of bookkeeping, cash accounts, controls & audits
- Management of purchase procedures & protocols
- Management of account planning & reconciliation
- Organising of the yacht’s financial planning, budgeting policies & procedures
- VAT in the yachting sector
- Charter expenses, operations costs, advanced provisioning allowance & VAT
- Management of charter accounts & relevant financial records
- Budgeting for a port call & cruise
IAMI GUEST Foundation Leadership Unit 17
- Different Leadership Styles
- Mentoring Teams & Individuals
- Team Work & Motivating teams & Individuals
- Developing Others
- Developing Empathy, Flexibility & Adaptability
- Communication Styles & Effective Communication
- Resource Management & Effective Goal Setting
- Manage Conflict Situations to a Positive Resolution
- Managing Performance
- Setting SMART Goal
- Managing Time & Resource