Find out About the IYT Master of Yachts Limited Course & Certification
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The IYT Master of Yachts Limited is an MCA-recognized commercial Master License for Yachts up to 200 tons limited to 150 nautical miles offshore. It is recognized by various flag states and port authorities around the world and meets the requirements for candidates working towards their Officer of the watch (OOW Yachts 3000GT).
IYT Master of Yachts Limited Certification:
The Master of Yachts Limited certificate qualifies you to work as:
- Master of 200-ton vessel up to 150 nautical miles offshore
- Chief Mate of 500-ton vessel up to 150 nautical miles offshore
- Chief Mate of 200-ton vessel all oceans
- OOW (Officer of the Watch) of a 500-ton vessel, all oceans.

Requirements / Prerequisites:

Sea Time Prerequisites:
(Must be obtained on a vessel at least 10m in length)
- Logged 50 days on board a yacht at sea as an active crew member on watch. For the purpose of this requirement, a day is defined as a period of 24 consecutive hours. The term “at sea” is defined as being on a vessel outside of any harbor – natural or artificial – in which a cruising yacht could secure or anchor for a prolonged period of time.
- Logged 3,000 miles in a yacht while cruising at sea (power or sail). This must be on genuine cruises or passages, not short-day trips. The candidate must have a considerable time of actual vessel handling.
- 30 hours on watch at night underway as an active member of a yacht’s crew.
Previous Certification & Requirements:
- Candidates should be 18 years of age or older.
- Marine Communications VHF-SRC Radio Operators certificate.
- All STCW Basic Training certificates. STCW certificates must be valid (not expired).*Proficiency in Security Awareness or Proficiency in Designated Duties is also required.*
- A seafarer medical certificate including a colour blindness test in order to ensure the candidate has the ability to perform all bridge duties.

- Candidates are able to sit the shore-based Master of Yachts Limited theory course without meeting the above requirements.
- Candidates can take both power and sail endorsements but must show hands-on practical experience and sea time on both vessel types before attempting the practical exam.
Course Breakdown:
The course consists of a theory course, a practical course, and a final examination.
Completion of the theory course is a prerequisite for the live-practical course, although they do not need to be taken in immediate succession.
*it is recommended that the practical week is taken as soon as possible after the theory week, in order to ensure the information is as fresh as possible.*
Master of Yachts Limited Theory:
This is an intensive 6-day classroom-based course, composed of both lessons, assessment papers, and written examinations. Prior knowledge, study, and practical experience are required and candidates should not expect to learn everything in one week without prior preparations
Theory Course Syllabus:
- Chartwork instruments
- Charts, latitude, and longitude
- Distance, speed, time & direction
- The magnetic compass, variation& deviation
- Position lines and position fixes
- Dead reckoning and estimated positions
- Tides
- Currents
- Course to steer to counteract a current
- Meteorology
- Pilotage
- Passage planning
- Electronic navigation aids
- International regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS)
- Ships Construction
- Ship stability & drydocking
- Ropework
- Towing
- Anchoring
- Emergency procedures
- Ships power plant
- General maritime law

IYT Master of Yachts Theory / Shorebased Certificate:
Upon completion of the Master of Yachts Limited Theory / shore-based course, candidates will receive an IYT Master of Yachts Shorebased / Theory Certificate. The written examinations (during the shore-based course) must be passed to the required standard before enrolling in the practical course and examination.
The prerequisites for the practical course and final examination do not need to be met in order to enroll in the theory-based certificate. It can be attended by candidates with less experience should they wish to learn the theory at an early stage.
MOY Practical Course:
During the 5 day practical course, students will be given the opportunity to learn and execute skills and knowledge including areas such as situational awareness, seamanship as well as the ability to command.
Students who have not gained sufficient handling experience prior to the practical course are usually exposed. This is essentially your final preparation for the final examination.

Final Examination:
The final examination consists of a practical and oral examination. Students need to be prepared to be examined on but not limited to anything covered in the theory or practical course. In order to obtain a sail and motor license, the candidate will have to be examined twice, each time on the appropriate vessel type.
Completion of the Master of Yachts Limited Theory & Practical Course does not guarantee that the candidate will pass the final examination.