Find out About GMDSS Short Range Courses
Find a GMDSS Short Range Radio (VHF) Course
The GMDSS Restricted Operator Certificate is a prerequisite for Officers and Masters on vessels over 24m operating in Sea Area A1 (i.e. within about 50 miles of a coast station). It is also a prerequisite for the MCA Master 200 (Code Vessel) within a limited area. A GMDSS GoC is required for seafarers of the same capacity operating in an unlimited area (outside of Sea Area 1 / > 50 miles from a coast radio station).
*For yacht crew only in need of a VHF SRC certificate to fulfill the needs of a commercial powerboat or Yachtmaster license, a 1 day VHF license may meet the requirements based on the candidates capacity and area of operation (Opposed to the GMDSS ROC). Please contact your course administrator or employer in order to best understand the requirements *
Course Topics:
- Radio equipment used in the GMDSS
- Distress signals and alerting procedures
- Use of Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
- Survival craft communications
- Procedures for the use of EPIRBs and SARTs
- Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) regulations
- Operational procedures
- Maintenance of GMDSS equipment on board ship
- Log keeping requirements.
This course is followed by an exam that is usually run by a different RYA assessor and has to be registered for separately to the course in most cases. The exam usually has a separate exam fee.

Examination and Certificate Validity
To obtain a GMDSS Short Range certificate, an operator must successfully complete a written examination and a practical examination administered by an accredited maritime training institution. The examinations test the operator's knowledge of radio equipment, procedures, distress signals, and other emergency information.
The GMDSS RoC is valid for five years and must be renewed every five years. The holder of a GMDSS Short Range certificate must maintain a current proficiency in radio operations and equipment maintenance. Candidates must complete a refresher examination in order to maintain license validity after the 5-year period.