Stage 1: Training Prior to Employment
Courses required to find a job, build experience, and further your maritime studies:
*You can find more info and book your courses by selecting an individual course (globally)*
Recommended For Tender Handling Duties:
No Previous Yachting Experience? Consider:
*Entry level deckhand courses are not license specific. They are tailored towards helping green crew perform common superyacht duties, specific to the deck department. The course framework varies depending on the training provider and are generally not accredited. Such courses may be grouped with accredited courses and sold as a grouped "deckhand" course / package.*
Stage 2: Post Employment
Start Building Sea Time & Work Experience
Sign off tasks in your training record book and work towards requirements for MCA Yacht Rating & Master of Yachts 200

Obtain an MCA Yacht Rating Certificate via one of the Following Ways (if sufficient sea time and experience, go directly to yachtmaster / master of yachts) :
MCA Yacht Rating Certificate
All deck crew working on UK flagged commercial yachts over 200GT require a Yacht Rating Certificate as a minimum requirement to meet the safe manning requirements laid out by the MCA.
Option A:
- Demonstrate at least 6 months of yacht service including 2 months sea service, all of which must be on vessels 15 meters and over in load line length;
- Complete the Yacht Rating Training Record Book.
Option B:
Holders of the following certificates recognised by the MCA will not need to complete the Yacht Rating Training Record Book and the 6 months yacht service requirement may be reduced to 2 months sea service on vessels 15 metres and over in load line length:
- Watchleader Certificate together with a Competent Crew Certificate; or
- Day Skipper Certificate together with a Competent Crew Certificate; or
- Yacht Rating Course Completion Certificate or
- IYT Superyacht Deck Crew Course
Holders will, however, need to meet the other requirements (STCW Basic Training) and apply for an MCA Yacht Rating Certificate.

*It may be beneficial to complete this at the beginning of your yachting career although it can be done when yachtmaster offshore / master of yachts limited is completed. It is a prerequisite for the Master of Yachts 200*
Master of Yachts 200GT
Stage 2 Complete
Progression to Officer of the Watch (OOW 3000)
- Yachtmaster Offshore / Master of Yachts, complete your Training Record Book
-Complete the OOW Modules below:
- Complete 36 Months of sea service

OOW Prep
Preparation and Practice For Your OOW 3000 Oral Examination
OOW Oral / Exam Preparation sessions are the final step before sitting an examination.
The courses are usually run in person or in a Zoom format. Candidates are usually taken through mock exams with instructors who have their fingers firmly on the pulse of the MCA's testing procedures.
Access to important content and revision material is usually provided as well.

MCA OOW Oral Examination
Good Luck!
Stage 3 complete
Additional Modules required for the Chief Mate 3000 (Yachts) Endorsement
See Below

Apply to the MCA for the Endorsment of the Chief Mate CoC (Yachts < 3000GT)
Download the application form from the MCA website
MCA Chief Mate (Yachts) 3000GT
Stage 3 complete